Trump Supporters Spar With Opponents In Brazil

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump received unexpected support at an event in Brazil on Saturday, before anti-Trump protesters clashed with the group.

Sarah Rice / Getty Images

About 50 people gathered on Paulista Avenue in São Paulo to show support for Trump.

Tatiana Farah / BuzzFeed Brasil

The organizer was 26-year-old lawyer Leandro Mohallem. He believes that supporting Trump is necessary for the US to prevent the election of Hillary Clinton, whom he sees as the "American Dilma" — referring to Dilma Vana Rousseff, Brazil’s first female president who was eventually impeached.

He made a short speech in English and ended with an enthusiastic "Make America great again," and the crowd chanted, "Trump! Trump! Trump!"

Right-wing activists sang in support of the Republican:

Some Trump supporters had demonstrated in favor of Dilma's impeachment. This is the case of Rodrigo Ikezili, who makes a living making homemade pizza. He referred to Clinton as a communist.

Later, a group that calls itself Ação Antifascista (Action Antifascist) showed up to challenge the Trump fans. After a confrontation, police detained three people from the group.

Nelson Almeida / AFP / Getty Images

One of those arrested was taken down by eight officers.

Roberto Antonio, 28, took a baton blow to the head. He denied intention to provoke conflict and said he did not expect the "ideological confrontation" to have ended in a brawl.

Police later formed a cordon separating the Trump supporters on the sidewalk from the anti-Trump protesters on the avenue.

Paulo Whitaker / Reuters

The two sides then provoked each other, shouting and telling each other to go "take a bath" or "study."

Tatiana Farah / BuzzFeed Brasil

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