The hangry thief is still at large.
This is 19-year-old Hunter Jobbins from Andale, Kansas. He is a student at Kansas State University and recently learned a very weird lesson about college campus culture.
Hunter Jobbins
On Sunday, he parked in front of his dorm for 15 minutes. When he returned, he found a note scrawled on a paper napkin confessing to stealing a Kit Kat bar from inside his unlocked car.
The note read:
"Saw Kit-Kat in your cup holder. I love Kit-Kats so I checked your door and it was unlocked. Did not take anything other than the Kit-Kat. I am sorry and hungry."
Hunter Jobbins
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A Guy Left A Note After Breaking Into A Car For A Kit Kat: "I Am Sorry And Hungry"
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