Groups in Durham County, North Carolina, filed a lawsuit on Tuesday, asking for polls there to be kept open an extra 90 minutes — until 9 p..m. — due to voting issues that allegedly took place earlier in the day.
The lawsuit is based on alleged issues with “the use of the electronic pollbooks” in about five Durham precincts, the lawsuit claims.
Additionally, the North Carolina State Board of Elections met at 6 p.m. to consider whether to adjust any poll closing times — which are set to close at 7:30 p.m. — under state law.
At the meeting, the board voted to extend voting in seven Durham precincts—two by 60 minutes, one by 45 and three by 30 minutes or less. They also voted to extend voting in one precinct in Columbus County for 30 minutes.
After informed of the results of the board meeting, the judge hearing the legal challenge denied the request.
#Breaking: judge denies legal challenge to extend early voting by 90 min in Durham Co #ncpol
— Nick Ochsner (@NickOchsnerWBTV)
ID: 9944195
A state judge in Clark County, Nevada, rejected a Trump campaign lawsuit in a fiery hearing on Tuesday morning.
The Trump campaign filed a lawsuit in state court on Monday, asking for ballots and voting machines to be “set aside, sequestered, and impounded” from four early-voting locations. The campaign alleged that people at those locations were allowed to get in line and vote after the time for voting had concluded on Friday, Nov. 4.
A little before noon, local time, on Tuesday, Judge Gloria J. Sturman denied the request, after a hearing.
At the hearing, she expressed significant, repeated skepticism of almost every aspect of the lawsuit — from the campaign’s standing to bring the lawsuit in the first place to the question of whether other relevant parties like the secretary of state had appropriate notice to the remedy the campaign was seeking.
“You’ve failed to exhaust [your] administrative remedies,” she said, noting that the Trump campaign should have first asked the secretary of state to address the campaign’s concerns.
Sturman also expressed significant concern about whether an order in the Trump campaign’s favor would lead to poll workers being harassed — after what she has seen from “trolls” on Twitter.
“I am not going to expose people doing their civic duty to help people vote … to public attention, ridicule, and harassment,” she said. “I’m not going to do it.”
“I am not going to issue any order,” she concluded. “I’m not going to do it.”